Monday, February 11, 2008

My children have posed many interesting questions to me over the past year and a half as an educator. I will list a few.

1. Is this stuff for real? (referring to the pyramids in Egypt)
2. Is that the Mississippi River? (pointing to a small pond, in the childs defense we were 2 miles away from the actual river)
3. Why didn't they build a bridge from England to the colonies? (referring to the thirteen colonies)
4. We made it to the moon?
5. We made it back from the moon?
6. People can know more than one language?
7. What does castration mean?
8. What are genitals? (a folllow up question to the answer I gave for #7)

When the opportunity arose for me to ask my kids an interesting question, I took it. One day a kid was teasing another kid by saying that he had "Ashy Ankles." I know what the term "Ashy" means so I played dumb and had the kid write me a paragraph what "Ashy Ankles" are as a consequence for teasing another student. His paragraph is below as he wrote it.

What are Ashy Ankles'

Ashy Ankles' are when your ankle is white from lack of lotion or grease. People get Ashy ankles when they get out of the tube and do not put on lotion or they just don't have lotion. If you know that your ankle is this way I suggest that you where long pants. Any person can get ashy ankle's if they don't use the wright procedure's at home. This is what Ashy Ankle's are.


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