Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Why I a plan to stay in the Delta forever

Over the summer I meet a guy who was going to teach in the same school district as I do. We made small talk and eventually began to talk about hunting. He immediately told me that his uncle was apart of a camp in the Delta and would see if I could go hunting there. Over time we became friends. That is weird to say, I am now your friend, not just someone you are nice to because you have things in common. About three weeks ago my new friend called and said his uncle was ready for us to come down. The trip was awesome, I did not shoot a big deer, in fact I missed a little one. The generosity shown to me by my friend's uncle was amazing, a trait that is commonly found in many Mississippians. He gave us each a warm bed, hot meals, new one liners to use and amazingly funny stories.

The beauty of the Mississippi outdoors is unmatched.

I know many people who have never hunted believe it is a bunch of red necks in the woods killing Bambi, for me and the majority of hunters it is more than that. It is the chance to go out and see something beautiful. The low lying swamps and hardwood forest of the Delta are a sight to be seen.


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