Career Day
Today we had Rev. Johnson from Belzoni come and give the best inspirational speech that I have ever heard. I was so inspired I knew I could be someone one day. He may have known only a handful of kids by name but you could tell he loved every child at the school. The students then went to their assigned areas and heard from at least ten different speakers. Professionals ranging from an owner of a Subway franchise to a Drug Court Counselor. None of the speakers were told what to speak about, but from the seven speakers I heard they all came back with the reoccurring theme, "Respect authority, Trust in God and Abstain from sex." What a powerful message. It is hard to tell how much the kids retained or took away from the day, they are kids.
A small handful of kids "showed out" in front of the presenters. It was a sad sight. A colleague informed me that we have 29 days left with the kids. That means we have been at school for 156 days. I felt clueless as how a small handful of kids still do not know how to control themselves or follow directions when we have been at school for 156 days. All the teachers teach, no teachers classroom is out of control, and the students know exactly what is expected and what to do.
I have no way of coming close to understanding what it is like to fail a grade multiple times, come from a less than perfect home, and be labeled as trouble.
I witnessed a kid doing something completely rude and disrespectful to another student today; I called him over and was going to say something along the lines of, "What you just did was hurtful to that person, etc, etc..." Instead, all I could say was "I have nothing to say to you, go sit down and be quiet." What was the point? We have been at school for 156 days and you still can't act right. Maybe after a few years of experience I will be able to find the words for that situation.
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